The Best Android Apps for Children

Games are always elevating, uplifting and enjoyable. Do you want that your child should learn with the games he or she plays? There are so many options in games these days in android that you would never find a problem.
Android has truly opened up its gates for fun and enjoyment of kids. Your child would not feel bored and at the same time learn up new things. Moreover, amidst so much of school pressure and tension, your kids do look for some entertainment and fun through games right? Here in this post you would get to know about the best games for kids that they should play.
CodeSpark Academy
It is a wonderful game for kids with some real educational value. It helps teach kids the basics of coding via simple counting games. You might think that this game is for adult kids, but it appears like kids in early grade school would do just great with it. Basically, in case kids are old enough to play Mine craft, they are old enough to play this wonderful game. The game even features regular rewards for completing puzzles, three profiles per game download (for those having multiple kids), and there is no advertising or in-app purchases. The game would definitely enhance the knowledge of your child.
Lara Croft Go
The artwork of this game is amazing, and graphics and incredible. The game has fascinating soundtrack and easy swipe to move controls. It is needless to say that the game is a good one for the children. The game is can give the kids fun and enjoyment and at the same time boost their creativity too. After all, it is not just about knowledge alone but creativity and imagination too.
The Endless games
This developer originator has a couple of really good educational Android games for children. They encompass Endless Alphabet, Endless Wordplay, Endless Reader, Endless Numbers, and Endless Spanish. As you can think, the games cover words, reading, letters, and foreign language coupled with some mathematics. It is mostly for younger kids nearly Kindergarten age and younger. All of the apps are free! The games can become a good boost for the knowledge of your children. They would have fun and at the same time enjoy learning.
Intellijoy is a great developer of kid’s games for mobile. They have a massive collection of kid’s games and most of these games have educational value. Some examples are like Intellijoy Early Learning Academy and that of the Kids Learn series having games for sorting, shapes, colouring, reading, numbers, counting, puzzle solving, and even that of more. The options in games are plentiful and amazing.
Starfall is a free public service and it helps kids learn how to read. The application basically does the same thing. There are a diversity of games that help teach kids comprehension, reading, letters, and other things revolving around the literacy. The official website has a pack of content as well if you have a computer or tablet.
You can get all these games at 9apps games. Yes, this third party play store is going to satisfy all the gaming needs and desires of your children. This play store is easy to use and really smooth for all your downloading endeavours. They have endless variety in apps.
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