Machine Learning – A Brief Introduction

Machine Learning is the branch of artificial intelligence that allows machines or more specifically, computers to acquire intelligence at par with humans that makes them learn and act without being directly controlled or supervised. Such innovative technology has opened a new world where the machines can imitate human beings by learning from experience (data).
Why has Machine Learning become significant?
- There is a huge chunk of data generated daily by humans, computers, phones and other such tools. Traditionally, humans have been able to collate data on their own, but as the volume of data surpasses the human abilities to make sense of it, there immediately comes the need for automated systems that can compute systematically on behalf of their human counterparts.
- Various government and private initiatives have helped in making a wide range distribution of data possible. This has boosted the domain of machine learning.
- Every industrial sector needs state-of-art facilities and advanced technologies for functioning effectively. At this juncture, machine learning has evolved to become a reality and it stands to become one of the greatest technical tools for the human race. Machine learning is rapidly becoming an expected feature.
Some everyday practical applications of machine learning
- One of the prime examples of ML is the entire domain of Google Search. Google has multiple machine learning systems at its core, which recognise the tone of our query and then place the results in a systematic manner after judging our preferences.
- Photo tagging in applications like on Instagram or social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter is a prime example of machine learning
- The autoplay options while browsing videos or slideshows is a clear indication of machine learning at work
How is Machine Learning growing in India?
- India is the world’s fastest growing economy with the digital sector developing rapidly. The Indian government’s support towards digitization as shown by the promotion of e-wallets, ad campaigns urging and encouraging Indians to digitally advance themselves, has greatly enlarged the field of machine learning here.
- Government policies aim at boosting Machine Learning programs by suggesting start-ups to base their initiatives on ML and AI systems.
- Banking and healthcare, e-commerce sectors are dependent on machine learning systems for realizing full market potential, for personalizing services to fit the users’ tastes and thus retain customer loyalty and increase their market efficiency. For eg, the Ste Bank of India uses Chatbot to address customer complaints and pledge better services.
What does a Machine Learning Class in Bangalore entail?
Bangalore is the technological hub of the country. Most of India’s leading analytics specialists get trained from here, in spite of which, there always remains a steady dearth in the analytics workforce. Engineers adept at traditional technological fields and practices are unable to secure employment because of the acute lack of digital training. If you are an aspiring data professional willing to make it big, dive into one of the machine learning classes in Bangalore for a valuable exposure.
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